Dear Parents/Guardians,


We sincerely thank you for choosing ACE as part of your child’s extra-curricular activities. ACE is located at Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic School (OLW) and is in its 22ndyear of operation. Our morning program is licensed for children in JK to Grade 8 under the Ministry of Education. Our after school program is a member of High Five (Parks & Recreation Ontario). ACE is a not-for-profit community-based program.


The ACE mandate is to provide quality enrichment programs for children, delivered by professionals, in a time-frame and location convenient to parents.


A Board of Directors of volunteer parents guides ACE, and the Executive Director and the Lead RECE implement their vision. We welcome any suggestions on an on-going basis and will endeavor to meet the needs of the community.



Executive Director and Board of Directors


Please make sure you read this handbook as it contains important ACE policy information on the programs offered, payment of fees and child safety.

At the back of the ACE 2017-2018 Parent Handbook you will find:

  • Parental Policy Agreement
  • Cheque Information/Tax Form
  • Medical Release Form
  • Communicable Diseases Form
  • Individual Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan (where applicable)

 *** Please complete and return these forms and a copy of your child’s record of Immunization to the ACE Program by SEPTEMBER 20, 2019***

Failing to complete and return these forms may result in temporary withdrawal of your child from the programs.